Reports & Data



The American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment (NCHA) is a nationally recognized research survey that collects precise data about students' health habits, behaviors, and perceptions. 

We uphold the Standards of Practice of Health Promotion in Higher Education by conducting population-based assessments in order to gather information on the health behaviors of our students as well as their perceptions about related college health topics. The data collected from this survey allows Florida State to plan, develop, implement, and evaluate programs, initiatives, campaigns, and policies that are driven by FSU student feedback. 

While other health surveys of college students cover a single topic area, the NCHA maps the widest range of health issues: 

  • Alcohol, tobacco and other drug use 
  • Sexual health 
  • Weight, nutrition, and exercise 
  • Mental health 
  • Personal safety and violence 

The survey helps to: 

• Identify the most common health and behavior risks affecting students' academic performance. 
• Design evidence-based health promotion programs with targeted educational and environmental initiatives. 
• Create social norms marketing campaigns by comparing students' actual behaviors to their perceptions about peer behavior. 
• Allocate monetary and staffing resources based upon defined needs. 
• Provide needs assessment data for campus and community task forces on sexual assault, alcohol use, eating disorders, etc. 
• Have readily available graphs and data for policy discussions and presentations with faculty, staff, administration, and board members. 
• Impact the campus culture by opening a dialogue about health with students and staff. 
• Develop proposals to secure grant funding to expand or develop programs. 
• Evaluates programming efforts by conducting repeat administrations of the survey. 

For more information on the NCHA in general please see the ACHA-NCHA website


Current Survey 

The Spring 2022 National College Health Assessment survey will be conduct February 10, 2022 thru March 3, 2022.  

What should I do if I’ve received an email for the NCHA survey? 

If you are selected, you will receive an email invitation titled "FSU Student Health and Wellness Survey" asking you to participate in the survey. Please read the consent and click the link at the bottom of the email if you wish to participate. 

  • Not sure if you received an email in regard to the survey? Use the search bar on your email to look up, "FSU Student Health and Wellness Survey".

What to expect? 

  • 5,000 FSU undergraduate students will be randomly selected to take NCHA's survey. The survey will ask a series of questions on a variety of topics such as health behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions. All individual responses to the survey will be kept confidential. 

  • The survey will take 30-40 minutes to complete.  

Questions? Email  

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