Hazing Prevention
To inspire every member of the FSU community to be a champion of nonviolence, social justice, and advocacy
Provide students, staff, and faculty the tools, support, and opportunities to shape a violence-free campus through the design and delivery of innovative and inclusive programming and services
Our Aim
Our community uses an evidence-based approach to hazing prevention that values the student voice and recognizes prevention is a process not a program.
Facilitator Philosophy
The foundational philosophy of the Novak Institute is to operate using the facilitator relationship, to identify and manifest shared responsibility. Students must acknowledge their critical role in protecting their own and other students’ safety. The University also shares responsibility with the students for their safety.
Effective Prevention Strategies
Effective prevention strategies address multiple levels and are based on the best available evidence, with emphasis on rigorous evaluation that measure changes in behavior. The primary principles for designing effective violence prevention interventions include:
- Prevention-focused in addition to response-focused
- Comprehensive, addressing multiple types of violence, all campus constituents, and on and off-campus settings.
- Planned and evaluated, using a systematic process to design, implement, and evaluate the initiative
- Strategic and targeted, addressing priority problems (and their risk and protective factors) identified through an assessment of local problems and assets
- Research-based, informed by current research literature and theory
- Multicomponent, using multiple strategies
- Coordinated and synergistic, ensuring that efforts complement and reinforce each other
- Multisectoral and collaborative, involving key campus stakeholders and disciplines
- Supported by infrastructure, institutional commitment, and systems
Based on this framework, we have developed evidenced-based prevention recommendations at the public policy, community, organizational, interpersonal, and individual level. For more information or to join this team, contact CHAW.
Fraternity and Sorority Life Updates
For information about the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life’s Moving Forward Together Plan, visit: ofsl.union.fsu.edu/moving-forward-together-plan or hazing.fsu.edu.