Physical Health
Partners from across campus develop programs, initiatives, and services to improve students' nutrition, fitness, sleep, promote campus sustainability, improve body image, and prevent eating disorders. FSU-specific data, collected from the National College Health Assessment and Healthy Bodies survey, helps the team identify specific goals and objectives. Have Questions? Contact, CHAW.
Meeting Times
- Meeting dates coming soon
Committee Composition
The Healthy Campus Physical Health team consists of students, faculty, and staff with representation from University Health Services, Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness, Housing, University Counseling Center, Campus Recreation, FSU Police Department, Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement, Student Government Association, Athletics, Student Activities, Seminole Dining, Business Services, Department of Nutrition, Food and Exercise Sciences (NFES), Biological Sciences, Modern Language and Linguistics, Campus Sustainability, dietetic interns, nutrition coaches, and other students.
Goals & Objectives
- Increase awareness of proper hydration among students, faculty, and staff.
- Increase awareness of disordered eating and services available.
- Decrease incidence of students reporting "becoming more concerned about their body shape and weight since starting at FSU".
- Review campus walking initiative for potential launch in 2018.
Present Initiatives
- Love Your Body Day
- Eating Disorders Awareness Week
- The Body Project
- Cooking Classes
- Healthier Vending Machine options
Past Initiatives
- Migrant Farm Workers Fair in collaboration College of Medicine
- Summer Faculty and Staff Wellness Program
- Spring Wellness Fair
- Ask a Nutrition or Wellness Educator in Suwannee Dining Hall
- Nutrition Education with the College of Medicine
- Employee Wellness Program with Admissions and Records Department
Data Driving our Work
- 11% percent of students consume "0" fruits and vegetables per day
- 53% percent of students engage in 3 to 5 30-minute bouts of moderate intensity physical activity per week
- 28% percentage of students report "exercising in a driven or compulsive way as a means to control their weight, shape or amount of fat or to burn off calories."
- 51% percent of students report "becoming more concerned about their body shape and weight since starting at FSU."